If you are in crisis or are thinking about hurting yourself, please call 988
Support for physicians by physicians
As the healthcare workforce continues to dwindle and burnout rates increase, it has never been more important for physicians to properly care for their mental, emotional, and physical health. 像我们这样的同伴支持项目已经被证明可以减少医生的倦怠,提高医生的整体幸福感.
CMA同伴支持计划旨在提供一个由经过专业培训的医生同伴组成的移情网络,以支持有需要的同事. 其目标是确保俄亥俄州的医生从那些站在他们立场上的人那里得到情感和心理上的支持.
同伴支持将在1-2次会议中进行,如果需要更强有力的心理健康支持或指导, referrals can be coordinated.
Here's how we can help physicians seeking additional support:
与一位接受过全国领先的专家- Dr .. Jo Shapiro of Harvard;
100% confidentiality and physician-centric
Quick availability to respond to your request.
Get Started:
Fill out the form below to be matched with a peer supporter. Or Call 614-385-6660
being affected by an adverse event
feelings of isolation/lack of support
effects of work on personal relationships
emotionally traumatic clinical experiences
being reported to a regulatory agency
patient aggression
issues with the media
inability to effectively care for self.
All discussions with participants will be held in utmost confidence. No written notes will be taken by peer supporters. 同伴支持者不会与雇主、同事或州医疗委员会分享信息.
There is no cost to participate in the Doc To Doc Peer Support Program.
After calling (614) 385-6660 or submitting a form found on. szcang.com/doctodoc,您将在一个工作日内接到同行支持医师主任的电话. 主任将为你安排一位接受过同伴支持方面广泛培训的医生. 这个同伴支持者会在与你匹配后的48小时内联系你,并为你安排一个方便的时间进行同伴支持会议.
Absolutely! Because of the conditioning that happens during a physician’s training, as well as stigmas around asking for help, 许多医生在感到压力或绝望时不愿寻求帮助. 如果你担心你的朋友或同事,想把他们和同伴支持项目联系起来, you can follow these suggestions:
Let them know you are worried about them and that you care about them.
Let them know it is common for physicians to feel this way, they are not alone, 一个受过专业训练的医生同伴可以同情地倾听并提供有用的资源
If they seem reluctant to seek out help, perhaps you can offer to pull up the website for them, 或者在他们填写项目表格或打电话寻求同伴支持的时候和他们在一起
If they decline help (“I’m fine … I’m just tired”), circle back again to let them know you care about them and to suggest the program. 同情和理解将帮助他们不感到尴尬,正常化的寻求帮助将鼓励他们与同伴的支持联系起来
重要的是要注意同伴支持者不会参与任何临床治疗或关系. Peer supporters will provide support and resources for coping only, 但如果需要的话,可以与俄亥俄州立医院合作,为精神健康或物质使用资源提供连接.
如果您能将这个新项目传播给您的合作伙伴和同事,我们将不胜感激! Discussion about Doc To Doc peer support at department meetings, physician lounges, 同行评议会议将建立对该项目的认识,并有助于使医生寻求帮助的行为正常化. A career in medicine can take a toll emotionally and physically. 为什么不发起一场运动,让医生们互相支持,这样我们不仅可以更好地驾驭我们的医学事业, but can also flourish in the process?
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline — Call 988;
Text the keyword ‘4hope’ to 741-741 to be connected to the Crisis Text Line.
Physician Support Line — (888) 409-0141:由600多名志愿精神科医生组成的全国性保密免费支持热线服务,他们为医生同事提供同伴支持. Open 8 am - 1 am EST, 7 days a week, no appointment necessary.
Ohio Professionals Health Program (OhioPHP): Call OPHP at (614) 841-9690 or email us at info@ohiophp.org
OSMA Wellbeing CARE Service - The Well-Being Checkup And Referral Engagement (CARE) Service is a simple, free, and anonymous checkup of your mental and emotional health.